Tile Cow

Tile Cow

De Molen Foxton

SKU: D0856

A Delft blue tile with an image of a Holstein-Friesian cow.

This tile is a nice decorative piece to display in your home or to hang on the wall. The Holstein-Friesian cow is the real dairy cow of the Netherlands.

The cow is a popular image on Delft blue porcelain.

Hundreds of years ago, Dutch houses were decorated with Delft blue tiled walls.

If you look very closely you can even see this in the background of Vermeer's paintings.

 Over the years, the tile has grown from an item to cover the wall to a decorative piece that you can find everywhere in the house.

Think of the tile wisdom in the toilet or in the kitchen.

Tourists also like to take home a beautiful Delft blue tile as a souvenir of their visit to the Netherlands.

Place the tile in a beautiful place in your home or combine it with other Delft blue tiles for an original wall decoration.